Minggu, 11 Januari 2015



                Hi guys! 2015 has begining, lets start this new year with happiness. And now, i like to share a little story about my last holiday. Hmm,  i think this holiday is different from the previous holiday. So bored with it. Just spent days with my handphone and television. Yeah.. sometimes we went to Jakarta just for having lunch. And we all know bad news come from Air Asia QZ 8501 airplane lost contact and fall at Pangkalan Bun Sea. That news make me and my family always staring to the television all the time.  So much tears that we seen from the victim's family. We just can help them with pray. 

            Hmm okay, next i'll tell you about my New Year's Eve. 31st of December 2014 was the last day in 2014. In the morning at 9 a.m, we went to Puncak, Bogor just  for had lunch at Rindu Alam Restaurant. After we ate, we planned to go to Taman Safari. We thought on that time, no more traffic jam again . But we were wrong, about 3 hours we trapped in Cisarua. At last, we cancelled our plan to go to Taman Safari.  So, at 3 p.m we were in Bogor city. Before we went back to Bandung, we bought our favourite breads. "Roti unyil Venus". With the great taste and cheap price made the breads very famous in Bogor. After we bought, we returned our way  to went back home. Finally, we arrived at 6 p.m. So tired with the long traffic jams that we've been through. And at 7 p.m , we were getting bored. So, we came out to celebrate the new year together. Our planned is, we celebrate it  in Hilton hotel. But after we called the hotel, the event was full of reserved which had been booked with people from far way days. So we called another hotel that had an event. In fact, all hotel full of reserved too. Yeah, we didn't had any choice so we went back home. At 10 p.m, we were very bored just watching TV and counting down until 12 p.m. So, we went to Trans Hotel for had dinner. And you know what? The restaurant full of resevered again. We were dissapointed and very hungry, and then we walked to Trans mall. We ate japanesee food at Marugame. After we had it, yeah.....We walked around mall with no purpose. Suddenly, around at 11 p.m, my sister got stomachache. We took her to Kimia Farma medical center. Luckily, there was a doctor who worked in midnight. Yeah, so the doctor checked up my sister condition. And the doctor said that her maag was relapse. So,it took about 1 hour until the days change and new year came. So, ya! i spent my new years eve at Kimia farma. At 12 p.m , we went back home with no special story. 

Yesss, that's story about my new year’s eve experince. So worse, but just take it enjoy and happiness.
And with the next days, i spent my holiday with watching some korean drama. Hahaha... I think just streaming korean drama make my holiday more better. 

(P.S : Sorry, the photos aren't available because the condition is not support for taking some pictures)

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