Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014


My Unforgettable Moment
Hello, im back! Now, i want to share about my unexpected experience. That is, i’ve been fooled with the stranger. And this is my story.
On 4th of June ago, me and my 2 friends came to Jakarta to saw The Red Tour Jakarta Concert at MEIS Ancol. The event was the first Taylor Swift’s concert in Indonesia. But the tragedy start from 2 weeks before the event. Reality, we did’nt get the tickets from official web The Red Tour Jakarta. Because the tickets sold in 3 hours. So, we search any reseller who in Indonesia called “calo” . And finally we got the tickets from calo on twitter. The price wasn’t too expensive from the official price on the web.That is IDR 1.300.000/person. Before i transfered the money, i had bad feeling. I thought she was a deceiver. But my friends believes me to trusted her. So i transfered the money by my bank account. .She said the ticket would she give at the event. And we agreed about her statemet.
And this is our idol day. We went to the concert start from 11 am. And the guy who drove our car was my driver. At 4 pm , we arrived at MEIS Ancol. So fulled with any swifties in there. We ate our late lunch in some restaurant at MEIS Ancol while we waited calo. The gate open at 6pm, but the tickets was not in our hands. And the hours was show at 5.30 pm. We got panic at there. We texted and called her anytime. And she doesnt give any respond. How we felt angry and upset about that. And one of my friends, Agis was cry. At 7 pm, the gate still open and calo still didnt come. We are  very very upset. And then, we back to the car to refresh our mind. And one of my friends too, she proposed to buy the tickets again on the tickets box . And you know what? The tickets are sold. How we very sad. At 9 pm, we decided to back to Bandung. But my driver restrain us to must got the ticket. Ok, we waited until 9.30 pm. The concert finished at 11 pm. We waited along on the side walk beside the ticket box until 10 pm. And the miracles came. We got the tickets from the security who kept the concert. We just paid IDR 800.000/person to got the festival side. It means, the side was infront of the stage. The security brought us to the concert and in there, we cried loudly. We saw Taylor on the stage. With her black dress. She looks so cool than i thought. The lighting was very cool too. Thousands swifties sang loudly with her.After we on the hall, Taylor sang her 10 from 13 songs. And we saw she sang i knew you were trouble song. We were very speechless.Her voice was very very amazing. And the next song, she sang All To Well song. She sang with her classic piano. She cried too. Maybe becuse she was happy And i thought she likes her swifties in Indonesia.The next song was Love Story. Taylor wear her white long dress. She looks so beautiful. This song was’nt include to RED album. it was include to fearless Album. And the last Song she brought is WANEGBT a. k. a. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. This song was one of my favourite song from RED album.I didnt know why. And in this song, Taylor wear parade clothes. It was like a magician.
Yes, the concert finished. Taylor said “thank you Jakarta” before she leaved the stage. It was the best night ever, we felt any feeling likes sad ,worst ,annoyed ,happy,scared,confused mixed into one. And than we back to Bandung at 11.00 pm.  At 12.00 pm, we stoped at rest area for had a late dinner. We ate at kfc in rest area. And than we continued our return. And finally, we arrived at home at 3.00 am. The next morning, i told everything about my experience last night. Include i be fooled. So my parents angry with me. They said why we easily trusted with stranger.And of course we waste our money. Beside that, they forgive me too.

Here's some pictures we took at MEIS Ancol last month


Thats all about my bad also best experience . It was so unforgettable. And i dont want to repeat my fooled for twice. Thank you.

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